Our core purpose is to connect, travelers from all walks of life with providers of activities and experiences in Southern Africa, ensuring a mutually beneficial experience that is operated and hosted via the InAfrica platform.
InAfrica was founded by like-minded individuals who have a passion for travel and understand that there is no collective online booking platform for obtaining information and for booking adventure activities & experiences in Southern Africa.
Many experiences and adventure activities are stand-alone and operated by Small-medium business persons.
A traveler is not really able to fully appreciate what is available to do until you reach a destination and even then you are unsure of the quality of the experience that you will be getting.
InAfrica strives to bridge this gap and place the traveler and merchant/tour operator on the same platform which provides an end-to-end booking system. Together with a full overview of the experiences offered and a review process. Thus allowing the traveler to share their experience and the tour operator to obtain feedback and develop further interest in what they have on offer.
The inAfrica online booking marketplace, we believe is the most effective way to connect these two sets of people and showcase meaningful experiences and activities to travellers who would otherwise just never find them when searching online Southern African travel experiences. Our core purpose is to connect urban and rural providers of authentic, immersive African experiences with travellers from all walks of life - whether domestic, regional or inbound into the continent.
Our Values and Promise
We are driven by our love for our continent and our passion for sustainability and innovation. In order to achieve our goal to become the premier experiences marketplace in Africa, we built our brand’s culture around 4 main values: Integrity and honesty, respect and diversity, Excellence and Collaboration.
We hope that you enjoy the experiences with incredible hosts and guides inAfrica.