Township Diski social soccer tour

5 hours

Township Diski social soccer tour
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Location
  • Things to keep in mind

Combine a schedule Camissa Township tour with a soccer game (30 -45 minutes) with the locals. This is followed by a braai (barbecue) in one of the Township’s popular social venue – a chance to down a beer mix and mingle with the locals in the love of soccer!

This scheduled half day cultural tour of the Cape Town Townships of Langa, Guguletu and Bonteheuwel, includes:

  • Pick-up and drop-off (Atlantic Seaboard, Waterfront and City Bowl)
  • Drive through District Six
  • Townships visited: Langa, Bonteheuwel, Guguletu
  • Includes:  home visit, walking tour, shebeen / tavern, crèche, art and crafts, and various memorials.

Our tours facilitate personal experiences, discussion and interaction between township residents and visitors. Groups are small and tours are conducted by current or ex-township residents. Our focus is on people and their culture, traditions norms and customs and day to day life in the Townships.




Things to keep in mind