Kafue National Park

About Destination

  • About
  • Experiences

Kafue National Park is Zambia's oldest and largest national park. It was established in 1924 and is made up of a vast, undulating plateau. A few hills are found along the mid-reaches of the Kafue River and the area is mainly made up of vast areas of Kalahari sand.

The rushing waters of the Lunga and Lufupa rivers sustain the area. The vegetation is grassland as well as riverine woodland and there is also teak growing in most parts of the park.

Kafue National Park is home to the Leopard and many other predators. Mammals also Kafue their home these mammals include elephants, hippos, buffalo, sable, roan, Lichtenstein's hartebeest, puku, red lechwe on the Busanga Plains, lion, spotted hyena, and wild dog. The Kafue River and its flood plain are particularly well-known for their rich birdlife, which is home to over 450 species.

Operators in Kafue National Park can offer you several tours and packages to suit your needs when visiting the park:

  • Specialised Safari Tours- these tours are usually anywhere from days to weeks long and offer the opportunity to tailor-make a tour to suit what you would like to experience. These safari tours can range from luxury trips to family packages.
  • Walking Safaris- you will get to experience the African bush at its most intense. These safaris are usually overnight so you have the opportunity to camp in the bush.
  • Balloon Flights- at certain times of the year you can explore the Park from an aerial perspective offering spectacular views of the terrain and wildlife.
  • Boat Safaris- the Kafue River offers a wonderful vantage point to view game coming to the river's edge to drink or encounter water birds, hippos and crocodiles close up (quite safely!)
  • The Park and External Adventures- many tour operators offer the opportunity to explore Kafue National Park as well as other highlights within Zambia or even other countries. An example of this may be Kafue National Park coupled with a visit to the magnificent Victoria Falls.

Since 2005, the protected area is considered a lion 'conservation unit', together with South Luangwa National Park.